Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some frequently asked questions, please feel free to contact us at or on 9774 2297 if your question is not answered below.

  • Appropriate Swimwear Swim cap (compulsory for all students at our Centre, Parent and Baby classes are excluded)

  • Towel

  • Clothes to put on after the lesson

  • Flippers, Kickboard & Drink bottle in Dolphin Level

  • Flippers, kickboard, Pull Buoy & drink bottle if in Marlin, Bronze & Silver levels.

  • Correct swimwear is made with light weight material such as lycra or nylon.

  • No cotton T-shirts, other clothing or underwear is to be worn in the pool at all times.

  • Swim caps must be worn at all times during lessons

  • Aqua nappies must be worn by babies and toddlers that have not been toilet trained.

Goggles are not required during lessons. For safety reasons children need to learn to orientate themselves underwater without the assistance of goggles.
You will be informed by your instructor when goggles are required.

  • Swimming lessons run in conjunction with the NSW Public School Term (approximately 10 weeks per Term).

  • Swimming lesson fees are paid by monthly direct debit occurring on the 10th of each month.

  • All payments to the Centre for swimming lessons are non-refundable.

A Cancellation Request form must be submitted to C&M Aquatic Centre to cease swimming lessons and end your direct debit payments.

To be entitled to a make-up lesson, notice must be given 2 hours prior to the student's normal lesson.
Select "Unable to attend" the lesson via the Customer Portal OR phone the centre to speak with Reception or leave a voice message on the answering machine OR send an text message to our mobile 0437 286 784.

  • Only 1 make up lesson per month per student position

  • Make-up lessons must be used within 30 days of absence

  • If the make-up lesson is not attended, that lesson will be forfeited with no refund

  • Make up lessons are not guaranteed and cannot be rescheduled

To avoid disappointment students should attend all lessons wherever possible.

  • Any personal fear or anxiety you may have about the water can be easily transferred to your child. Try to be supportive and positive at all times with your child.

  • Inform reception and the instructor privately about your concern and they will support you through your child's lessons.

Unfortunately we cannot put a time frame to the learning and development process for all children. The time taken to learn how to swim is unique to each individual as it depends on their age, coordination and confidence in the water. Swimming lessons help develop motor and social skills. Ongoing consistent participation and repetition aids the learning process.

  • Children can join Parent and Baby classes from 6 months of age. One parent, family member or close friend can accompany the child in the water along with the instructor.

  • From the age of 2 years old children can start swimming lessons with an instructor in the Seahorse or Starfish Level.

  • Encourage your child to attend every lesson.

  • Acknowledge all successes and ignore failures; have a positive approach.

For more information Contact Us


27 Cahors Road
Padstow NSW 2211




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